First Round – Berlin 2023

Conference History

From December 07 – 09, 2023, we proudly hosted the inaugural Global Conference on Gender Studies in the remarkable city of Berlin, Germany. This groundbreaking event brought together experts, scholars, and advocates from around the world to engage in meaningful discussions and explore innovative perspectives on gender issues.

Virtual Session

Highlighted Speakers

Name Affiliation Article Title
Dr.Kimberly  S Adams East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, USA Leaders in Lawmaking: Early Policy Preferences of Women in the U.S. House of Representatives elected in the 116th Congress
Dr.Polona Sitar University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Slovenia Gender, Diversity and Inclusion: The Red Tent Menstrual Movement
Prof. Dr.Kay Siebler University of Nebraska Omaha, USA Feminist Ethnographic Case Study: Financial/Emotional Stressors of Parenting Trans-Children
Dr.Hanan Bishara The Academic Arab College for Education in Haifa-Israel Gender and Sex in the Structure of Feminist Theories: A Concept and a Development
Dr.Sandra Meškova Daugavpils University, Latvia Feminine Self-Discovery: Depiction of Girlhood in Contemporary Latvian Prose Fiction
Prof. Dr. Njeng Eric Sipyinyu The University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon Autobiography and Audre Lorde’s Matriarchal Sphere
Dr. Mónica Cano Abadía BBMRI-ERIC, Austria Integration of gender in complex projects: high expectations, harsh reality
Mona Alebrahim Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia Ambivalent Sexism as a Mode of Representation in The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
Bria Shanelle Blocker Nevada State University, USA Hyperarousal PTSD and Alcohol Abuse: Inequitable Treatment and Impact of Substance Use Among African American Women
Yan Zhang China University of Political Science and Law, China Study on the “Publicization” of Love in Early 20th Century China: Analysis centered on Du Cheng Shu&Qu Jiang’s Love Letter

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